Tooth Brushing Benefits the Entire Body

dreamstime_s_12901835A bright shining smile is one of the first things we notice about another person. Those gleaming white teeth are the highlight of a smile. Of course, everyone knows that proper dental hygiene is the first step to a beautiful smile. Many people do not know that dental hygiene also plays a pivotal role in the function of almost every other system in the human body. Dental hygiene refers to the overall health and care of the mouth including the teeth, tongue and the gums. Maintaining good dental hygiene is a crucial step in maintaining complete body health.

Brushing your teeth is an ordinary chore in an already busy life. Every morning and every evening we brush our teeth, not knowing how powerful this little ritual is to our overall health.

Not only does that toothbrush and toothpaste combination mechanically remove plaque and germs, but they also play a role in allowing your body to receive all of the nutrition it requires.

The very first step in the digestive process begins with chewing your food. The presence of food and saliva in the mouth after you have eaten are the main factors leading to tooth decay and gum disease. That toothbrush removes the leftover food and helps to clear the teeth and gums. When tooth decay begins, your body can not process nutrients as well as it should.

Painful teeth and gums will affect how we chew our food and in turn, affect the digestive system. Malnutrition can begin with swollen gums and decaying teeth.

Studies completed by the Academy of General Dentistry have shown that many of the most damaging of diseases may begin with improper oral care.

These studies have highlighted the links between periodontal disease and vascular disease, one of the main causes of premature death. These same studies also show a correlation between periodontal disease and health conditions like diabetes, oral cancer, leukemia and kidney disease. While the relationship is sometimes difficult to understand, the Academy of General Dentistry believes that almost 90% of the most common systemic disease might have origins in improper oral care.

Facial and oral pain are other common symptoms attributed to improper or substandard oral care. In countries where dental care is difficult to find, swollen gums and pain when eating are common complaints. Often, headaches are caused by tooth or bone damage due to grinding of the teeth. A trip to the dentist can offer relief for many of these uncomfortable symptoms. With this information, it is easy to see how maintaining excellent overall dental hygiene might be one of the most crucial efforts that you can make for your health.

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Cosmetic Dentistry: Dental Implants

dental implants new york cityIt is said that an impression is made within the few seconds of meeting a person and invariably a person with a beautiful smile is sure to make a good impression. It is very likely that some time or the other your teeth will get damaged due to accident, decay or with continuous usage. In case you loose teeth due to accidental damage there are many options available to get it fixed.

For replacing a broken tooth, dentures were considered the best option until some time back. With advancements in dental care methods, dental implants have taken the place as the preferred method for fixing a broken tooth. Dental implants give a more natural look and feel to the tooth thereby giving a person a boost in his self confidence.

Basically, Dental implants are non-natural stubs that are fitted inside the jaw over which an artificial tooth is fitted. The artificial stubs work as roots and hold the artificial tooth just like natural stubs. Both, individual tooth related dental implants as well as bridge implants are available in dentistry. Individual dental implants are made possible by the fact that individual teeth are not connected with each other and are placed in the jaw. For replacement with dentures, several dental implants are fixed into the jaw and then joined with artificial teeth.

Dental implants are not prescribed to everyone. After taking the proper examination of the molds and x-rays of the teeth, a dentist takes the decision of whether the patient should go for dental implants or not. Good oral health and healthy bone structure is needed to support a dental implant. Apart from this, the dentist may also ask some general health related queries and take note of all the medicines that you are prescribed to ascertain that they would not hamper the smooth running of a dental implant.

A dental implant is done in three surgical procedures. All the procedures are done by giving a local anesthesia to the patient. During the first dental surgery, the dentist makes a small insertion in the gum to uncover the jaw bone. After a hole is drilled in the jaw bone, a dental implant is placed and covered by stitching the gums back like original. After the procedure an x-ray is taken to see that the proper placement of the implant is done.

After a few months, the jaw bone attaches itself to the implant. In the second surgical procedure, the dentist again makes a small insertion in the gum to expose the dental implant. A protective screw placed in the implant is then replaced with an abutment. The dentist covers the opening again with stitches to cover the implant.

In the third surgical procedure, a bridge or a crown is installed to complete the procedure of dental implant.

Many times, problems associated with procedure are experienced by patients after the surgery. Common problems include infections and bone not attaching properly to the implant. Such problems can be corrected with minor corrective procedures.

Although expensive, one should never opt for cheap, low quality dental implants as they not only waste your money, but also are a great threat to your health. Good quality dental implants more then make up for their cost by giving you a life long satisfaction along with a dazzling smile.

For more information call us today at 800-000-0000

Gummy Smiles: What Are My Treatment Options?

When most people smile, you see a row of teeth that look beautiful and full. Unfortunately, this is definitely not the case for some and they have what is known as a gummy smile. Gummy smiles are when you smile and there are only a small row of teeth and mainly gums. There are two causes for gummy smiles and they both can be treated using different dental procedures. One of the first steps for you to take would be to visit the dentist and get a diagnosis and best treatment option that happens to be available to you.

Visiting the dentist is going to help you figure out what is the best treatment option for you. Your dental professional will be able to take x-rays and figure out what needs to be done if you are looking for a fuller and more pronounced smile. Believe it or not, many people have the problem of a gummy smile and many of them are taking care of it using a variety of different procedures. It is up to you to decide with your dentist which one is best suited for you.

One of the main causes for a gummy smile would be smaller or less defined teeth. Small teeth are something that you probably developed after losing all of your baby teeth, so you may not feel like there is anything you can do for this issue. The great thing to know is that the problem can be fixed with either dentures or veneers. If your teeth are in reasonably good shape, veneers are probably the best option available to you. Veneers are a simple procedure that will take just about one or two visits and you will walk out with gorgeous teeth that look amazing when you smile.

If your teeth are not in good shape and you are dealing with a lot of missing teeth or decay, dentures might be another option that is available to you. Dentures, like veneers, can be fitted specifically to your mouth and you can wear them regularly for a more beautiful smile. Dentures no longer look fake and are now being made to look completely realistic so that no one will even know that you are wearing them. Like veneers, dentures will take several visits for you to be fitted for them and then shaped to fit your mouth specifically.

As you can see, there are several dental options available to you if you have a gummy smile and would like to feel more confident. Veneers are often the most popular choice for individuals in this circumstance because it is minimally invasive and requires barely any drilling. The best thing for you to do would be to contact the office for more information and to make an appointment to see a dentist. The dental professionals will help you to figure out what option is best suited to meet your needs so that you can finally regain your self-esteem and have the smile you’ve always wanted.gummy

Tooth Whitening at Home or in the Dental Office

Tooth-Whitening-at-Home-or-in-the-Dental-OfficeYour smile says a lot about you and can help to increase your overall self-esteem. If your teeth are yellowed and stained, you may just not feel like smiling because you do not like the way that you look. One of the best things for you to do would be to have your teeth whitened using professional services either at home or in the dental office. If you are wondering whether to whiten at home or in a dental office, there are some pros and cons to both of these methods.

When whitening at home, it is up to you to choose the type of product you want to get the job done. There are literally dozens of different products on the market for you to choose from and not all of them are truly effective at whitening teeth. In fact, some of these products are quite expensive and only get your teeth maybe a shade or two lighter than what they already are. It will be up to you to decide which product is going to be the right choice and you need to make sure that you follow all instructions carefully so that you are able to get the best results possible.

When you make the decision to have in-office whitening done, you are going to be getting professional whitening results that are far greater than any product you can buy in a local drugstore. When you go for in-office whitening, a professional will use a variety of gels and creams on the teeth to ensure that your teeth are going to get whitened several shades. The other benefit to in-office whitening is that it takes about an hour for immediate results as opposed to some products that do not start showing results for several weeks.

If you are in need of very quick and professional whitening results, your best option might be in-office teeth bleaching that is done for you by an expert. One thing to keep in mind is that tooth whitening is considered a cosmetic procedure, so your dental insurance might not cover it for you. In general, professional in-office whitening is several hundred dollars. The cost factor is something to think about before you make a decision on whether to whiten your teeth at home or if you should come into the office to have it done by the experts.

When your teeth are bright white and shining, you feel more confident and you are more likely to show them off to family and friends. It really is up to you to decide on whether or not in-office whitening is right for you. Despite the price factor, in-office tooth whitening delivers the quickest and most drastic results. If you are planning an event or need to whiten your teeth quickly for a special occasion, this just might be what you want for yourself. Be sure to call the office for more information concerning in-office whitening procedures and booking an appointment for yourself if you want to have it done.

Treating Sleep Disorders with Dental Devices

sleep_disorder2If you have recently been diagnosed with one of the major sleep disorders, you may be unaware of the latest treatment options. Sleep apnea can disrupt the body’s normal nighttime rhythms. You may even find yourself suffering from snoring, headaches, TMJ (temporomandibular) pain, or bruxism, which is the excessive grinding of teeth while asleep. Because many of these issues are intimately tied to the mouth itself, dentists should be able to help. With a reputable dental professional attending to your disorder, you can eliminate your discomfort and once again pass the night hours in the gentle arms of sleep.

Sleep apnea itself, which involves an obstruction in the respiratory passageways during slumber, is often accompanied by excessive snoring. Snoring is especially frustrating for significant others who are trying to get a good night’s rest themselves. Dentists use special oral appliances to calibrate the mouth so that the obstruction is no longer present. There are two major devices that are used. Mandibular advancement devices are mouthguards that force the lower jaw into a more open position. Tongue-retaining devices, on the other hand, use splints to prevent the tongue from falling toward the back of the mouth. Dentists and orthodontists, of course, will need to ensure that the devices fit the mouth properly.

The benefits for longtime apnea sufferers are generally quite profound. If you have a habit of sleeping on your back or your stomach, then your new oral device will likely lead to some considerable improvement. Likewise, if you are prone to grinding your teeth during the night, a mouthguard will prevent this from occurring. In most cases, the headaches that have been associated with the bruxism will also stop. When you can begin the day without any residual pain, you will also be happier and more productive at work or school.

Reputable dentists will likely be capable of finding a solution to your sleep disorder. During the preliminary consultation, the dentist will ask you for a full list of symptoms. Once the dental professional has an idea of which particular sleep disorder is present, a comprehensive treatment plan can be devised. With the help of a sophisticated oral device, your passageways can be cleared from obstruction. For help with sleep apnea and other similar maladies, contact your dentist today for further assistance.

How to Teach Children Good Oral Hygiene

dreamstime_s_8046566Children live in a special world, where their top priorities are having fun, being silly, and avoiding activities that stand in the way of their good time.  For this reason, children also tend to avoid daily rituals that don’t stimulate them in a fun way.  For most children, brushing teeth is ranked about as highly as cleaning a bedroom.  So, how do you encourage enthusiasm in your children for something as necessary (and “boring”) as dental maintenance?  Here are some great tips for how to teach children good oral hygiene:

Lead by example.  Your children look to you when gauging appropriate behavior, and that’s no less true when it comes to oral hygiene.  If you make it a point to brush and floss regularly and visit the dentist when needed (and without too much complaining), then you can rest assured that you are doing the single most important things you can do when it comes to teaching your children to have an appreciation for good oral hygiene.

Invest in some cool tools and toiletries.  Take a trip to any local retail department store to find a wide array of neat products designed specifically for keeping your children’s chompers in top shape.  Look for specially-flavored toothpastes and mouthwashes formulated especially for kids, as well as toothbrushes that vibrate, time tooth-brushing sessions, play music, and more.

Reward good behavior.  Keep an oral hygiene chart in plain view (near the behavior or allowance chart or in the bathroom in a good idea), and give your children a star or checkmark for each day that they successfully brush their teeth as needed, and without your prompting.  At the end of the week, offer a reward in the form of an ooey-gooey treat (candy and ice cream are always a big hit) and tell your children that their good oral hygiene habits enable them to indulge every so often.

Oral hygiene is an important part of overall health and well-being, and good oral hygiene habits begin in childhood.  It is important that you care for your children’s oral health now, so that they can develop their own healthy dental habits as adults.  An integral part of your children’s oral upkeep is finding a pediatric dentist you can trust.  The professionals at Smiles Dentistry go above and beyond when it comes to helping your children maintain optimal oral health.  Give us a call us at 800-000-0000,